Thursday, December 3, 2009


I know I have made a few blunders with language in my life. However, I can't remember those blunders in detail. So instead I will recall a slight blunder of language which offended me a bit recently. I work for Jenny Craig. I, myself, have a slender frame. Normally being told you don't need to diet is a compliment but just recently I had a client tell me I wouldn't know what needing to diet felt like. That client was making an assumption based on my current situation. We both kind of laughed off the remark but it still strikes me as a bit offensive. That client doesn't know my past well enough to assume such things.
The guy who played Cramer on Seinfield comes to mind when I think of celebrities who have made language blunders. His rant on a heckler is notorious as being one of the most slanderous rants recently. His use of racial slander was horrible and uncalled for.

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