Wednesday, September 23, 2009

"Real-World" Grammar Examples

I believe that the writers of the "real-world" grammar examples chose to write the sentences incorrectly because often times we try to reflect how we talk in the style of our writing. The overuse of commas may be to denote a certain pause that the writer felt when saying it but that doesn't translate in the world of grammar. However some writers may mess up on purpose in order to draw attention to the add. I'm sure it's been used before in advertising. Anything that grabs the attention of someone is a valid selling point. As long as it isn't a terrible mistake I'm sure that someone notcing the mistake will also notice whatever the add is promoting. I also believe that these errors were made because grammar is often misunderstood. I am no exception. Still I am shocked that the proof reading process didn't catch the errors. However it does speak volumes about our "real-world" use of grammar. I am sure that errors of such are less likely to appear in novels or published journals. The "real-world" use in advertising only goes to show how misunderstood grammar may be.

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